Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Compare and Contrast: Being a Single Parent Essay

Single parents often faces struggles in raising their families, it does not affect only the parent but the children also. Families become a single parent family because of a death of a spouse or a divorce. A single parent struggles on financial, emotional, and social challenges. Of the eyes of the child, seeing their parent busy all the time makes the child feel neglected. The parent and children becomes depress because of all the stress she/he faces and lack of time for each other. A single parent faces money problems even though they have child support. Divorce couples often divide the expenses but the single parent have less work opportunity because of the responsibilities she/he faces as raising children. Having a death of a spouse is more difficult because it leaves the single parent bills like car, funeral, hospital, and etc. The single parent need to work a lot to support the family but he/she leaves little time of spending time together. If the single parent does not make enough money to support his/her family then sometimes the children is taken by the child protective services. The single parent and children faces emotional problems like depression and loneliness. After a death of a spouse or a divorce, the parent feels neglected and he/she sometimes shut themselves down for a long time and neglect their children. Even though the parent is not depress because of being a single parent, he/she has lots of responsibilities which gives little time to spend with the kids. The bond of the family weakens everyday which cause depression on each family member. Seeing their children suffer makes the parent feel angry and ends up blaming themselves. With all the things a single parent need to do, he/she lack social time with their kids. Communication is an important element to make the family strong. Most single parents have more than one job or go back to school for a better paying job in order to support financial needs and so he/she leaves their kids to a sitter or relative. This gives little time to help their children with academics, emotional, and etcetera problems personally. The child end up being negative because of the lack of help and communication. It is tough being a single parent with all the challenges they faced and lack of time with families. The three main challenges( financial, emotional, and social) makes the family fall apart. But not all single parent families are unsuccessful some are successful. The single parent needs to have a positive outlook by being responsible on all the duties he/she faces, making the family number one priority, being outspoken with kids, taking care of themselves and still maintain family relationships or traditions. Each single parent out there should follow these things in order to accomplish their goal in life, wishing the best for their children’s future or outlook. Work Cited Carpenter, Michael E. â€Å"What Are Some of the Challenges Single Parents Face?† EHow. Demand Media, 09 Dec. 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Duncan, Stephen F. â€Å"Being a Successful Single Parent.† Forever Families. School of Family Life, Brigham Young University, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. Gilbert, Rebecca. â€Å"The Difficulties That Single Parents Face.† EHow. Demand Media, 14 Feb. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. Golden, Jaime. â€Å"Single Parents & the Effects on Their Children.† EHow. Demand Media, 08 Mar. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. McGrath, Victoria. â€Å"Causes & Effects of Single Parents.† EHow. Demand Media, 02 Mar. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013.

Kate Chopin †The Awakening Essay

The protagonist of Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening is Edna Pontellier, a married woman who has two children. At the beginning of the book, Edna does mostly conform to the modes and codes of the nineteenth-century society, but feels not to fit in her role at all. â€Å"She wanted something to happen- something, anything; she did not know what† (Chopin, 126). Throughout the book, the character of Edna develops in a way that she breaks away from her roles of wife and mother and tries to free her imprisoned self. In â€Å"The Awakening† the Character of Edna Pontellier awakes in different ways. One way in which Edna Pontellier awakes, is art and music. She loves listening to music, especially when Mademoiselle Reisz plays the piano because she is the only one of all the numerous performers in the book who plays with full passion. This moves Edna and activates something in her. She is confronted with very strong feelings to which I she has not been used to in her prior â€Å"normal† life. The only things she has had, was her husband, her children and the society ladies that she used to receive on Tuesdays. But all these people were not really touching her, although she loves her children, she does not really seem to care about them. Her identity is constructed by the obligations and opinions of society but she is not able to identify with herself, which is only a role. But step by step, her true self breaks out from the bonds of society. When Edna listens to music, she manages to forget everything about her and is only with herself. It is somehow like an escape from reality. Concerning music, it really moves Edna and awakens her but she is no musician. She is rather a painter and though her art she finds a way to express herself. For the first time in her life, she finds something which really belongs to her and to no one else and she does something individually and for herself. It is also one step into independence because she could have a real job and earn money. When her husband has to go to New York on business, her children stay with their grandmother, who â€Å"had come herself and carried them to Iberville[†¦ ]. The old Madame did not venture to say she was afraid they would be neglected during Leonce’s absence† (Chopin, 120). Edna refuses to join neither them nor her husband. Instead, she stays alone at home and buys and moves to a small house around the corner, the so called â€Å"pigeon house† . This behavior in the name of the pursuit of freedom and independence is not appreciated by her husband and society. Furthermore, Edna spends a lot of time with Alcee Arobin. He represents another way in which the protagonist awakes; it is a sexual awakening. Alcee Arobin is â€Å"a young man of fashion. † (Chopin, 123) His reputation of the young seductive and charming man, who enjoys making conquests out of married women, does not keep Edna from having a sexual relationship with him. At first it is only a friendship. They go together to horse races and spend nearly every day with each other. â€Å"There was a perpetual smile in his eyes, which seldom failed to awaken a corresponding cheerfulness in any one who looked into them and listened to his good-humored voice. † (123-124) Soon, the two become intimate with each other. But Edna does not love Alcee. In fact she is married to a man she does not love, she loves Robert who left her and went to Mexico and has sexual desires for Arobin, a man who â€Å"was absolutely nothing to her† (129). He becomes her lover and he satisfies her physical urges. At those times, women were not expected to have the same sexual desires as men have. But Edna felt limited in her role as wife and mother and through her sexual awakening she frees another part of her which has been suppressed by the norms and conventions of society. Throughout their affair, Edna never allows her lover to own her or to control her but she wants to keep her freedom and independence which she just gained. Through her awakenings, Edna becomes a independent woman who lives without her husband and her children and simply only cares about her own needs and desires. Tragically, this leads Edna to a state of solitude because her behavior isolates her from her family and society. Her death at the end of the book, whether it is suicide or not, shows that at those times, it was very difficult for someone who did not conform to the codes and norms of society, to live his/her life without oppressing his/her true self, because you were simply rejected by society and the only thing that rests is solitude.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Morality and Happiness Essay

Morality has been a term of debate for several years by intellectuals who have not come to the final conclusion of its definition. According to Damon (5), morality is an existing, multifaceted construct that may not be pinned down by any single definitional criteria which is flexible. The moral character has long been associated with happiness which is that state of having achieved one’s desires although there are some disconnections. Several theories have been forwarded in connection to morality and happiness as far as the society is concerned. In this argumentative paper we shall give detailed analysis of morality and happiness and whether or not moral character is a requirement to happiness. Morality and Happiness The concept of morality utilizes the individual’s evaluation of events and actions to separate the good from bad and stipulates behavior consistent with the good. This means that there are socially accepted societal values that are promoted by morality. In addition, morality includes the welfare of others beyond our own selfish desires and responsibility to express the same through caring, kindness and mercy. The morality will also include commitment to honest while dealing with all people coupled with concern for their rights and ensuring justice and fair treatment. The more important fact about morality is that it provokes the emotional responses such as guilty, fear and contempt whenever one goes against the good morals (Damon 5). On the other hand happiness has been described by Kant to mean a constant well-being, enjoyment of life, total fulfillment with one’s condition. The happiness is further extended to include the riches, honor, power, good health coupled with satisfaction. Thus it is notes that happiness is a representation of preservation and welfare which is the total satisfaction of all personal needs and preferences. It is important to realize that happiness is not pleasure but rather it is simply obtaining what you want in life. Therefore happiness is achieved with the fulfillment of any desire of an individual irrespective of its nature (Hughes 61 & 62). We shall base the following arguments on these definitions of happiness and morality. Moral Behavior is a Requirement to Happiness To begin with, the society has closely connected good moral behavior to happiness. This is evidenced by the fact that philosophers, parents and teachers are encouraging good character with the belief that those individuals who are decent live better and happy lives as compared to those behaving badly (Delattre 136 & 137). With their encouragement, the society has been made to belief that a good moral behavior is a requirement to happiness. The children who are growing are being trained that they will be happy if they observe a good moral character. These teachings have been able to convince the society that for an individual to be happy they have to be morally upright. The other fact is that character faults do not make an individual happy. This is because the morally corrupt individual cannot be trusted even by close friends and relatives. They will constantly live in fear of the people that they have wronged. This means that they cannot be happy leaving only the morally upright to be happy. Thus we can arrive at the fact that good moral character is a requirement to happiness since the reverse is not true. This fact is that decent people are happier than unjust individuals (Delattre 137). Moreover, the process of seeking happiness is not immediate and it requires patients and sufficient skills. The Novelist Robertson Davies compared happiness to a cat where if you chase it run away but if you go about your business without disturbing its peace then it will warm up to you and be your friend. Therefore equally happiness cannot be achieved by aggressive actions but rather small random morally upright actions. Thus paying attention to little actions at work and private life will allow happiness to come to you. In the event that you aggressively use any means including immoral behavior to gain happiness then it could elude you. An example is if we go out to have fun with friends we will end up being happy in the long term (Delattre 137). Thus it becomes a requirement that good moral character be observed always in order to gain a long-term happiness without any struggle. Moreover, the morality, good character and happiness cannot be separated from one another. This is because to a huge extent we tend to offer as the best individuals to our families, friend and colleagues who are the source of our happiness. Therefore there is an understanding that we can enjoy their company when we offer our best morals and support. With this understanding, we realize that a good moral character is a requirement to true happiness irrespective of the people we are dealing with. This understanding enables individuals to realize and prevent any moral deviation so as to maintain happiness with all persons (Delattre 137). According to the philosophy of happiness (14, 15, 16 & 17), Aristotle stated the factors that make happiness as good health, money, relationships and good moral behavior. Aristotle pointed out that happiness was the ultimate desire for human being leaving nothing more to be desired. The happiness is sought for its own sake unlike other things which are sought in order to achieve happiness. Aristotle understood that for an individual to be happy one must be of good morals and can suffer to achieve the greater happiness later in the long run. Many individuals believe that happiness is different to each person but Aristotle thinks that there is only a single genuine notion and that it is similar for all human beings. Therefore power does not contribute to happiness since it would exclude some people from being happy whenever they are subjects of power. Thus history and written articles including Aristotle’s have made individuals to believe that the requirement to happiness is a good moral behavior. Moral Behavior is not a Requirement to Happiness On the other hand, it is not a requirement that for one to gain moral happiness they should be able to be morally upright. There are those people who belief that any happiness cannot be achieved by doing the right. They believe that only wrong actions will put them in a position to be happy because their wishes and desires are not limited by moral standing. These individuals believe that by doing the wrong actions they could benefit from their profits which in turn would make them happy. One example is that of buddy boys who deal with drugs which are harmful in the society yet they claim that the money gained from the immoral trading will make them happy (Delattre 137). Therefore we cannot generalize that happiness is achieved out of moral behavior because others have achieved through illegal and wrong actions. Although they feel guilty about their wrongdoings, they tend to concentrate on the pleasure part of their actions which is money for entertainment. The other fact is that of duty where an individual work is in a risk environment. For example a police officer would be doing the moral right to secure citizens. However, they may get killed by the thugs who do not care of their lives but rather their benefits of terrorizing the citizens. This means that even though the police officer was actively doing the right duties under good morals, they end up being killed and as such do not become happy but their families end up unhappy. Thus we can say that happiness does not require a good moral behavior because this example shows that even good actions of duty do not guarantee happiness. Another example is where an officer reports a corrupt colleague in the spirit of doing good morals but ends up being segregated and becomes continuously unhappy (Delattre 137). According to Hughes (64), Kant says that it is not true that doing the right thing leads to happiness in all circumstances as states by the doctrine of happiness. In fact he goes on to explain that morality could often hinder the achievement of one’s desires if they are considered immoral. Thus we cannot generalize that moral behavior is a requirement to happiness. Moreover, Kant continues to say that the process of making somebody happy has nothing to do with moral behavior of that person. This means that it is possible that many people are able to fulfill their desires and become happy without necessarily being moral. In any case somebody could be morally good but fail to be happy in life giving justification to the actions of those people who want happiness at the expense of morality. Moreover, the principle of happiness bases morality as an incentive to happiness which in itself is not moral. This means people will seek to be moral for the sake of happiness and not for the sake of morality (Delattre 137). Therefore if the morality is just an incentive to happiness, it means that others may achieve happiness without the use of incentive. Thus we can conclude that morality is not a requirement to happiness. After a serious consideration, I agree to the fact that morality is a requirement to genuine happiness. This is because individuals just want to be happy and could do anything to achieve desired happiness including good morals. By being genuinely happy, individuals do not have that sense of having done wrong to achieve their happiness and will live with sufficient peace of mind. If a situation where the whole society must practice morality then it would allow everyone the non-competitive search for happiness and the entire society will be happy in the long run.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Learning Organization and Human Motivation Essay

Learning Organization and Human Motivation - Essay Example As companies and corporations become larger and more complex, so do the responsibilities of management and the call for structured strategies. In our world of exploding technological changes, the burden of change upon individuals becomes greater and there is also the continual threat of downsizing or being replaced by automation. There are innumerable theories regarding human motivation and especially over the past twenty-five years, these theories have provided a maze through which management has walked, trying this and that; some theories worked, others did not. Let us examine just a few theories that have withstood the test of time and are the core of the newer theories. We shall begin with the advent of Maslow's theory of a hierarchy of needs since it was Maslow who countered Sigmund Freud's statements of declaring people as inherently lazy creatures who are motivated at work only through reward, coercion, intimidation, and punishment (accel Team, 2005). A. H. Maslow brought management and workers out of the dark ages and delivered them into a refreshing affirmation of themselves as human beings rather than animals. According to Mazlow, the highest needs of a human are self-esteem and self-actualisation (Maslow, 1943, pp 381 - 383). In the workplace (according to Maslow), the ability to exercise c... In the workplace (according to Maslow), the ability to exercise creativity and decision-making whilst practicing new skills is central to the self-esteem of the worker. In terms of management, the harbingers of change began to emerge as the workplace became less oppressive and more balanced between doing and learning. Still, there was work to be done in terms of addressing psychological needs of workers in terms of balancing rewards for incentives and motivational learning within organisations. Whilst an individual is hired on the basis of knowledge and skill for the task at hand, once in the workplace, the individual needs the opportunity to climb higher, do better, if they so choose. This is where the balance of power can get sticky, for those in management also need to engage in learning and adapting to changing trends. If those on the higher end of the work spectrum fail to adapt and learn, those from below have the opportunity to move up and replace them; here is where fear becomes the motivating force, and its presence is counterproductive for all concerned. The most famous motivation theories, upon which nearly all current theories are based, originate from four theorists: Sigmund Freud (Theory X), A. H. Maslow Theory Y), Douglas McGregor (Theory XY) and William Ouichi (Theory Z). It must be noted that there are arguments regarding the authorship of Theories Y and Z; we are referencing them here with the corresponding theorists for the sake of convenience.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Articles of Incorporation (AoI) as a Necessity for a Corporation Essay

The Articles of Incorporation (AoI) as a Necessity for a Corporation - Essay Example This section, together with the first section, distinguishes the type or category of the corporation; for example, profit or not-for-profit organizations. Because the AoI is the legal basis for the relationship among incorporators, there is a section that spells out the limitations to the powers and privileges of those that manage the corporation as it regards the, for instance, earnings of the corporation. It further distinguished what is personal and what is corporate in terms of assets and liabilities. In addition, the AoI states the management structure of the corporation including board members. A section usually outlines this structure, membership and roles. As a reference document, the AoI also makes provisions for managing corporation’s assets and liabilities in case of dissolution. Finally, the AoI carries the signature of the incorporators or the legally recognized representatives ( Because AoI is a legal document, it must be signed by the incorporators or the legally recognized representatives. It is usually prepared by legal practitioners and approved by government agencies. Once it is signed and sealed, it becomes the reference document for the operation of the corporation. Changes, such as the transformation of a private corporation owned by few individuals to a public corporation owned by a large number of shareholders and usually quoted in the stock market, must be reflected in the respective sections and clauses. Agency theory seeks to explain the relationship between a principal(s), who hires an agent(s) for services and delegate the power of  decision-making to the agent(s). It also seeks to examine variations in behaviors in the principal-agent relations. These relations could be harmonious or frictional.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan - Essay Example 95% of ingredients are ordered on the basis of sources to make a product. This means that company has high reliance on farmers for the cultivation of organic ingredients. Perfect potion is not involved in animal testing. Its production department measures safety of both animals as well as humans, even the minerals used in products is exempted from petroleum and silicones products. Perfect portion does not deal with products which are subjected to dyes, coloring agents, paraffin or fragrances However, considering the present condition of the company, its manufacturing cost is increasing rapidly, 20% of the cost is allocated to raw material and if there is any minute error it will be an addition to the cost. To control this it requires an integrated management system. 1.2 Background In accordance with the corporate service manager of perfect portion, this company was established by one man, having one outlet, limited products and manufacturing of these products was done in a garage. It was a very small business. As this business began to grow more stores were opened, wide product varieties, large network and also resulted in many problems. It is a common thinking that as a business grows more problems exists as compared to that of small business. Though company had huge business but it wasn’t managed accordingly. ... Some of these forces affecting the present situation of the company are described below: Micro forces Intermediaries Intermediaries play a key role in controlling the internal and external environment of the company. All depends on the process and management carried out by top level executives. Perfect potion gets organic coconut oil from the island of pacific communities. This not only helps the island communities but also encourages local entrepreneurship. These are the intermediaries from which company sources most of its organic products to make a final thing for clients. They play a key role in its success. So in order to deal with this situation companies involved in producing such products should try to purchase their own lands to reduce the high cost of organic ingredients. Customer markets It is very essential to identify the changes in customer markets, their trends keep on fluctuating in the industry. People get more attracted to new things introduced by various competitor s. Therefore, it is essential for the company to have a wide network of retail services to cater a large market. Perfect potion has a wide network of retailing around 800 products. It has catered a large part of customer market. Though company always has a threat of better product and technology to be introduced in the market by other competitors, in this case it will increase cost of the company. In order to tackle with this situation company should be more innovative and should increase its market coverage in other regions, to overcome the uncertainty of changes in consumer market. The organization Organization can be a driving force in relation to the environment both internal and

Friday, July 26, 2019

FMEA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

FMEA - Assignment Example It just happened as I predicted. A cold icy wind was whipping my fur while my heart was beating heavy like the â€Å"tum tum† drums of West Africa. My whiskers started to shiver like a twig in the middle of a storm, as snowflakes were sticking on my eyelashes. It was indeed cold like hell. The night snowstorm seemed to have fought the whole Wednesday night, causing several accidents that messed up traffic. Across the state, Highway Patrol troopers were seen in response to several crashes. Furthermore, as I sloped down the road, I witnessed casualties of the act of god. Two drivers were killed in the wee hours when their cars slid off snow-covered roads and struck trees. According to the running gossip around the scene, when I stopped to witness, the driver was killed when his car hit an embankment on before hitting a tree. In both cases, troopers concluded that the drivers had exceeded safe speeds for the slippery roadways. School buses were stuck in traffic the whole night until morning. Moreover, the streets were clogged as cars became trapped in gridlock because of the snow that ruled the highways. Indeed, it was a situation of life and death. In addition, I almost had an accident; my car was stuck at the bottom of a sloping corner. I decided to ditch my car after it spun out, trudged through the snow, and make it to school safely. Normally in 30 minutes, I could have driven to School; however it took me two hours, of which was a hilarious adventure. That snowstorm caught the populace off guard, including forecasters. The state Department of Transportation had been poised to spray brine on Triangle roads during the day Monday, in advance of snowfall that was not expected until the Tuesday night. However, the forecasts were all incorrect, and the snow came in a lot earlier at night. The snowstorm that occurred that night was indeed terrible. It reminds me of a story

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Current Events (Spokane Mayor Jim West) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Events (Spokane Mayor Jim West) - Essay Example During the scandal the other facts of his private life also became publicly known to wide audience and to the City Council. Before this scandal West was involved in the accusations of child molestation. Three-year investigation and interviews with two felons who said West fondled them and forced them to perform sexual acts on him when they were Boy Scouts did not resulted in criminal responsibility because no evident had been found to accuse West. The anti-gay Mayor has been under scrutiny for allegedly molesting underage boys in the 70's and offering city jobs to young men he met on gay websites. Government officials suppose that the best way out for the city and Mayor Jim West is to resign. They say that many politicians are strong enough to overcome scandals and gossips, but in this case it will be impossible for public to "forget and forgive" it. It should be mentioned that some employees at Spokane City Hall were shocked by the accusations, others were trying to understand the implications. Organizers of an effort to remove Mayor Jim West were reviewing the wording of their recall petition after receiving an approval form a judge on one of the allegations in their ballot proposal.

Unit 7&8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unit 7 - Essay Example ingers and magicked things into existence makes the beauty and wonder of the Earth and the rest of our universe little more than a cheap conjuring trick† (Barnett, 2001, par. 14). He concluded that those who believe in the omnipotent power of a religious being as the creator of all things belittle the intelligence of the rest of mankind through the sheer disregard for the natural evolution of life. An atheist proclaims their total disbelief in any of the thousands of deities that millions of other people sincerely believe in. Atheism is total freedom from religious affiliations, values and beliefs. In this regard, atheists, like believers in other religions, respect the rights of others. Each person is entitled to his or her own beliefs. There is always a line between being a religious devotee and that of being a fanatic. The important thing to consider is respecting each other’s personal and religious orientations and beliefs. The evolution of domestic terrorism in the United States could be traced since the Civil War through the Vietnam War until contemporary times. A comprehensive report was written by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one of the primary institutions in the country which is actively involved in studying terrorist activities. Their report entitled â€Å"Terrorism in the United States† was written to review and assess domestic terrorism in the United States within a thirty year period starting 1980s until 1999. The period under study revealed a drastic decrease in the frequency of domestic terrorist attacks as compared to levels recorded in the 1970s and 1980s. â€Å"Approximately 641 terrorist incidents occurred in the United States between 1971 and June 1975. Among these attacks were 166 bombings, 120 fire bombings, and 118 shootings.† (Terrorism in the United States, 1999, 29). From 1980 to 1999, of total terrorist attacks of 457, there were 321 bombings, 21 assassinations and 16 arson – with domestic terrorist attacks numbering 322

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Scholarly Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scholarly Analysis - Essay Example The communication can be considered as an objective instead of a natural phenomenon specifically for example within the human society. This can be attributed to the fact that although people communicate and talk to each other, the understanding the behavior and the implicit working of the human mind is one of the most challenging field of study (Bauch, 2001). The communication between the different systems and the parts within a system can be considered as an important concept of the system theory (Bauch, 2001). When Abby failed to communicate with the people around and present normal behavior, it can be considered as a failure to achieve the main objectives of the system One of the concepts of the system theory is the connectivity or the internal cohesiveness of a particular system. One of the applications of the said concept is within the family which can be considered as an important system on its own (Miller, 1965; Napier and Whitaker, 1980). In the case of Abby, she can be perceived to have a strong connection with her older sister. This can be attributed to different factors such as gender and sharing similar interests and even space (having the same room). The death of the elder sister can be considered to have an effect to the balance of her regular functioning, if expressed in a term related to the systems theory. In relation, another concept is the closure in a system which can be considered as the integrity of the relationships that is intrinsic to the system (Miller, 1965; Napier and Whitaker, 1980). In terms of the case study the interactions and the interrelationships within the family which involves Abby, her sister, brother, parents, aunt and nanny can be considered as the factors contributing to her behavior. The drastic changes that occurred on the death of her sister resulted in the discrepancy in her acquainted environment. The stability is included in the important concepts covered by the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Enhancing Transit Passengers Experience at Hamad International Airport Research Paper

Enhancing Transit Passengers Experience at Hamad International Airport - Research Paper Example Rowley and Slack (1999) note that air travelers in transit are more likely to experience a sense of placelessness and timelessness, particularly because they travel across different time zones and between distant locations. Investigating the departure lounge of airports from the perspective of places where placelessness and timelessness could be exhibited, the researchers find that there is some level of sameness between passengers on transit, although their experience is influenced to some extent by cultural and national dimensions. As a result, the passengers’ sense of time and place may be softened but it is still present. De Barros et al (2007) also note that transit passengers in airports have different preferences and needs to destination and origin passengers, especially because they do not make use of access roads around the airport, while they are less likely to use some facilities in the airport depending on how the airport is configured, the type of transits, and se rvice quality of airlines. Investigating the views of transit passengers on service quality at terminal buildings, the researchers find that flight information display quality and security check staff courtesy are among the most important services for airport transit passengers. Fodness and Murray (2007), on the other hand, set out to investigate the expectations of passengers in the airport service industry with regards to service quality, exploring the perspective of airport passengers in relation to airport experience. In their findings, the researchers note that that the passengers’ expectations of service quality at airports are a hierarchical and multi-dimensional construct that involves three main dimensions of diversion, interaction, and function. By going beyond traditional measures of service performance in airports and using newer aspects of airport service quality like activity, it is possible to improve passenger experience and fulfill their expectations.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Essay Example for Free

Bipolar Disorder Essay I chose Bipolar Disorder and the history of bipolar it is a disease that is founded conceptualized, and it was by Kremlin, and it was at least more than 100 years ago. And back in history the unipolar it was a depression and it was bad blood, and it was call black bile so in the 19 century the illness it was in terms of biphasic illness. And people will have their ups and downs the ones that do have major bipolar disorder. So major depression it is higher in families that do have a history of a mood disorder. And the myths of this bipolar disorder its a mental disorder, and it is mood shifts, and this is also depression, and this does cause the person ability to function and the person energy to be slow. Their mood swings can come when you do expect it you ca be ok one minute and then all of sudden you are not because of the mood swings. Here are some myth and it is bipolar disorder it is a very rare condition and the bipolar it is mood swings. So the misconception of the bipolar is that it is not a real illness, and it is so easy for you to absorb the bipolar misconceptions but it is crucial to learn the facts. Also, the bipolar disorder it is a very highly treatable ant so it cyclical and the genetic illness it can be very well controlled but also in the same vein as the chronic illness. The treatment for the bipolar it is to make sure that the person function as well as they can between the episode s and make sure that they do treat to reduce severity acute episodes of this mania depression when it does happen to the person. And there are treatments like mood stabilizers and sleep aids and also social supportive care. Also, the Doctor he will see what may have triggered the attack. Also, the bipolar disorder it is a recurrent of the diseases it is unpredictable. There are other treatments for the bipolar disorder, and it is electroconvulsive therapy and there is pharmacotherapy. Some patients they cannot do the electroconvulsive therapy so they do put them on drugs that will help them. Also, back in the (1930) they could not do this test because it was consider as a shock block but now it is safe for them to do the test. Because over the past years it has become very safe for them. Also, bipolar disorder the treated with the drug call lithium, and this is the main first drug that they do use on bipolar patients. The signs and symptoms of the bipolar disorder there are the seasonal changes in mood  because some they do have bipolar disorder but their moods does change with the seasons. And then there are the signs of racing thoughts like they are full of ideas, but the symptom it can present in an irregular speech pattern. Then there are the feelings of guilt because if they are depressed then they may feel guilt about how their condition is. And they may feel so bad because of the pressure that they have put on their love ones and also their emotion toward their love ones. And there are symptoms of poor concentration and poor judgment. Also, they can have both symptoms of the depression and the mania, and they can happen at the same time, so this call mixed state. The diagnosis it is medical evaluation and psychometric testing. That way they can find out how bad their disorder may be. Because the patient can be very suicide also the type of professionals that are involved they are a psychiatrist and they do have a medical degree in this area So they can diagnosis but they do need to be seen by the psychiatrist for the bipolar disorder so that the Doctor can see what drug will best for them. Also, a psychiatrist some they do not give medication and some they will give them therapy just like a social worker would do. The one that is the best for bipolar it is cognitive behavioral therapy, and it does work very well for the bipolar patients. The diagnosis also for the type one is if the patient does have one manic episode but do not have a history of major depression. There are different types of bipolar disorder like bipolar one and bipolar two disorders. But it does depend on how bad the mood swings does occur. Because some mood swings, they can be classified as mixed because their mood swings does not last long so this is why it is call mixed. But for all types of this disorder they do sufferer experiences and significant problems their functioning in school and work. Some they may be put in the hospital because of psychotic symptoms because they may have the delusion or maybe have hallucinations. And if you do not get your bipolar took care of it can cause solemn probl ems like financial crisis. Some of the risk factors that the bipolar they are that the bipolar disorder it is not hereditary but the bipolar and schizophrenia they have a lot in common. And the two they do share a lot if the same risk genes so they both do have some of the genetic factors which are unique. And stress it can also cause the bipolar. So they need to try to not get stress do not let anyone stress them get away from it. The effects of neurotransmitters are that  they are the same as mania and depression. The nerve cells they do produce the neurotransmitters it like chemicals that do move like lighting from one cell to another, and the do carry a message. And the neurotransmitter serotonin it does regulate the moods, and sleep, and their appetite and also their memory. The environment and detract if you have bipolar you are to be on anti-depressant also anti-psychotic medication. And the patient they need to be a claim and be in a supportive environment because it will make it so much better for them to recover, and their medication will work for them much better. And make sure you do not get over tire take it easy. And make sure that you do eat three meals a day that is crucial for the patient. Also, the patient does need to stay away from people that does argue all the time because it will make the patient feel bad. So they do need to stay from people that may cause their life to be difficult. An d if they have a pet that will help them to, and they do need to get out and walk or maybe also jog visit their friends more than what they do because it good to be around friends. Well for the past the bipolar disorder it is a chemical dependence, and it was addressed as a separate condition and their treatment also which was at separate facilities. But when the people was diagnosed that they had the bipolar they are referred to a mental health treatment center. And some sent to a hospital that is psychiatric because they were abusing the drugs. So today they do recognize the treatment of the bipolar disorder and substance abuse through a process that is call integrated treatment. So it is the number of treatments, and it is for different treatments strategies for the bipolar. The background of the bipolar disorder it is chemical of imbalances of the brain, and it is the key of the bipolar disorder and it is the complex of the genetic and the environment and it does have other factors also. They do have a lot of episodes of the bipolar disorder. REFERENCES HUMAN DISEASES A SYSTEMIC APPROACH 2009 HTTP;//WWW.MEDICINENET.COM/BIPOLAR DISORDER HTTP;//WWW.APA.ORG HTTP;//WWW.EVERYDAYHEALTH.COM/HEALTH-REPORT BIPOLAR-DEPRESSION/BIPOLAR DISORDER.MISCONCEPTIONS.ASPX 2013 WWW.NYTIMES.COM/HEALTH/GUDIES/DISEASE/BIPOLAR DISORDER/TREATMENT.HTML 2012

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cheating Prevention in Multiplayer Online Games

Cheating Prevention in Multiplayer Online Games Shane Willcox Introduction One of the many modes within most games these days is playing with other players with Online Multiplayer. While most games have a multiplayer mode, some games are based and built for multiplayer. Multiplayer games are become extremely popular with millions of people playing them every day. Since Multiplayer games attract many players, there are always those people who go out of their way to find ways to cheat to gain advantages over others and sometimes ruin other player’s experiences playing against or with a cheater. Cheating in games have almost always been there right from the start, however cheats were single player only which is normally over looked as they only affect the game and the cheater and no one else, however with the evolution of gaming and multiplayer, cheating has spread to this type of gaming. Types of Cheating It can cost a company thousands to try and stop players that are using cheating methods by detecting and preventing them. (Yampolskiy(2008)). With Online multiplayer games there are many different types of cheats can be used if a game is not detecting and preventing cheats and can heavily damage the game and can receive complaints from the game’s community, some classes of cheats include: Reflex Augmentation which is using artificially intelligent (AI) computer assistant tools in order to perform actions that are faster than should be and also provides unfair precision humans could not possibly perform. For example the use of an aim-bot that can be used on some FPS’s (First Person Shooter) and aim-bots provide unfair precision on opponents giving the opponents no chance to react (Yampolskiy(2008)). Another is Authoritative Clients Utilizing meaning the hacking to altered commands (Yampolskiy(2008)). Information Exposure which getting access to hidden information. (Yampolskiy(2008)). On Example is a wall-hack which lets the cheat see through walls. Compromised Servers, which is the changing of game states at a server level. For Example using artificial lag (Yampolskiy(2008)). Exploits due to poor game design or overlooked features to take an unfair advantage within a certain game. For example in some Call of Duty games there are some map glitches which allows players to access parts of a multiplayer map that should not be able to be accessed, as well as game ruining glitches such as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, there is an exploit that allowed players to get an unlimited amount of explosives that ruined most of the player’s experiences with explosives being insanely overpowered and unfair. Unfortunately there is a lot of cheating methods within the online community of games and some can impact players causing complains from fans and if the fans are reacting negatively that will undoubtable affect the game’s sales and cause the certain games to become unpopulated within the game’s servers as well as if the developers can fix and pervert the cheaters then the damage has already been done. One genre that can be affected by cheaters is FPSs. There reason for this is that FPS’s are some of the most popular games to be played online and their design can lead to cheats coming up with cheats that can gain advantage. One called a ‘wall-hack’ that lets the cheaters see enemies through game objects that should not be able to be seen through and therefore get can extreme advantage. However an aimbot is much more unfair. Aimbot and there Preventions An aimbot or aiming robot is essentially a type of tool that lets the user automatically lock on to the enemy players. This is done by having the aimbot gain prohibitive access to the internals of the game and gives the user the ability to acquire enemy targets instantly when the target is in a direct sight line (Yu(2012)) and sometimes even not user’s viewpoint even if game objects such as buildings and walls are in the game lets the players shoot through them, for example in the Call Of Duty or Battlefield series. This lets users to defeat targets with both speed and pinpoint accuracy even if the target is moving at high speed and human players are probably incapable of achieving this all the time, even if the player is extremely skilled with a game it is almost impossible. One method that could be used to detect aimbot behaviour is by having a Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) model incorporated into the game’s system. The DBN shows different kinds of variables that can determine whether a player is a cheater and shows that they have detected them. Some variables that can be looked at is if the player is moving, if the target is moving, if the aiming direction of the player has changed, and the distance between the player and the aiming target. (Yeung (2006)). Using this model is known as a ‘first order Markov process’, which is the making of prediction from information from the present state. The process is implemented because aiming is a process which is heavily dependent on what is happening in real time since when a player aimed adjustments are needed to keep accuracy on point such as control of recoil (if any) and rate of fire(Yeung(2006)). So if the game using the DBN sees there is pattern from a player and there is enough evidence that a certain player is using an aim bot with the variables supported, then the game can detect that the player is indeed a cheater (Yeung (2006)). Also data could be inputted into the game to tell the game to compared the accuracy of a player that is highly skilled with the game and have that as a comparison to use on players and if there is a player that is exceed the accuracy every time then they could also be detected. Lag-Switches and there prevention Common cheats normally happen on a gaming level due to the design of the game and cheats that can affect the actual gameplay and not the network latency of players. However cheaters have found a way to affect the latency for players and gain an unfair advantage. Firstly however network latency is the delay that players have when there is a communication of data over a server or network. This happens with any type of online game as the data from the entered commands that the players input is sent to the server of the game and then has the action happen. However cheaters have found ways to cheat over a network. A lag switchis a smallEthernetdevice that is installed to ahome networkand is connected between the gaming device and the homenetwork routerwhich enables the user to insert delays to the flow of traffic which is local to the Internet and is not related to the network switches that are normal. Activing a lag switch makes device run on a set timer and this blocks all traffic between the gaming device and the Internet within that period which causes artificial lag. So when the user has the lag switch in action, to others they look as if they are either frozen in place however the user moves freely and can freely kill the enemy player. Some points of view of a lag switcher are that they moving normally and in fact the opposing team are frozen in place when in their line of site. When the timer stops, the gaming device will re-synchronize with theonline game. However for a user to use lag switch they must be the host of the game on a host based server that most games had or still have and if the user is using a lag switch in a team based mode, then the lag switchers team is normally unaffected by the artificial lag(Bradley(n./a)). Lag Switches can be found on many online games or modes, such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty, MOBA’s (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena’s) and many more. Since network cheating is sometimes much harder to fix than other common cheats, there sometimes more expensive ways to combat network cheats such. Ways that game developers can stop the usage of lag switching is to use a DBN model again to maybe check if the players have common lag spikes however there can be a problem because if the game is are banning all the players with lag strikes, then some players might just have poor internet and get banned for no reason. So one of the best implementations to combat lag switchers and lag based cheats, is to use dedicated servers. Dedicated servers can be used by game companies to allow players to have a fair networking environment as well as the developers having control of the host mechanisms with each server players are playing on. Dedicated servers are essentially servers that are run by the developers of the game and they basically act as a non-playing player as the players connect a server that has a stable connection and enables high bandwidth instead of players connecting to a host that could have terrible internet quality. Dedicated Servers can stop Lag switchers because a lag switch user normally has to be the host of the game for them to cheat and use the full effects of a lag switch. However dedicated servers can be very expensive to implement depending on the size and popularity of the game. More Cheating Preventions While the above talked about cheat preventions for some popular methods of cheating, there is still some other prevention that should always be looked in to. Developers should have built-in cheating detection systems for everything that could be affected by cheaters. This means that they can detect or find unusual activities, and produce alarms (Chen (2005)). Have a Reporting system within the game, so that if a player encounters a cheater, then the player can report them or maybe have a system in place that lets players kick cheaters during gameplay, however there would need to be another system to see if the player accused of cheating is actually cheating. If there is an exploit is reported, then the developers can put patches in the form of updates to fix the exploits. Conclusion Overall there are a many ways when it comes down to the prevention of cheating within online multiplayer. With there being many types of cheats such as Reflex Augmentation, Information Exposure, Compromised Servers and Exploits, there is cheating preventions that can help stop them. For Example to stop one of the biggest cheats in FPS’s, an aimbot can be prevented by using a DBN model incorporated into the game’s system by having the model look at certain variables of players to determine of their actions are legit and are capable of being done by a Human player. Then the developers can decide what to do with players who have been detected of cheating. While another example of cheating however over a network is lags switch that is a piece of equipment that causes artificial lag to games. The user of a lag switch makes the opposing players lag by either having the user seem like they have frozen or by having the opponents freeze in when they are in direct sight of the user. The most affect combatant against this is the usage of dedicated servers as they are the hosts for servers instead of players and lag switchers need to be the host of a game in order for them to take advantage of a lag switch. When you compare the methods of using prevention on network cheating and game cheating, they are both very different because of each having different factors that the developers have to take into consideration, however they both can work to together to overcome the goal of prevention. This because with dedicated servers, since you can have the developers monitor the servers since the developers have full control of the host of each server and this gets rid of lag switches. References Yampolskiy, R.V. Yampolskiy, R.V. 2008, Detecting and Controlling Cheating in Online Poker, IEEE CCP, , pp. 848. Yu, S., Hammerla, N., Yan, J. Andras, P. 2012, A statistical aimbot detection method for online FPS games, IEEE, , pp. 1. Yeung, S.F., Lui, J.C.S., Liu, J. Yan, J. 2006, Detecting cheaters for multiplayer games: theory, design and implementation, , pp. 1178 Bradley, M., N/A, â€Å"What Is A Lag Switch?† Chen, Y., Hwang, J., Song, R., Yee, G. Korba, L. 2005, Online gaming cheating and security issue, , pp. 518.

My Personal And Professional Development Education Essay

My Personal And Professional Development Education Essay In this essay I will critically evaluate my personal and professional development with relation to QTS standards for classroom management. Using current theories and research I will identify problems and put forward possible solutions to improve my future practice. This will be achieved through reflective practice, in which I will keep a journal of my progression and identify key areas for development. Using this record of my developing class management, I will critically evaluate my own progression. If acting is the art of stopping people coughing, teaching is the art of stopping them throwing things around (McManus 1995) During my first placement in school, I was able to experiment with a variety of teaching techniques for all aspects of teaching. Due to the type of school I was placed at, the key factor I had to address was classroom management. The school had extensive problems with pupil behaviour, therefore before any meaningful learning could take place classroom management had to be dealt with. By the end of the placement my tutor gave me some extremely positive comments about my progress in this area and advised that I must continue to focus on classroom management to achieve outstanding lesson observations in the future. She explained that once I no longer had to think about discipline in the classroom and it became more natural, I would then be able to spend more time on other aspects of teaching. The importance of behaviour management to all aspiring teachers has been highlighted by many theorists over the years, effective classroom management is essential to effective teaching (Capel et al , 2005). With this focus in mind I began my second placement with a strong motivation to develop my management techniques using all the resources available. This was an ideal area of development for me to use in my learning journal, where I could record my problems, try out new techniques and critically evaluate my progression. This would then provide me with a wealth of strong evidence to prove I had met the appropriate standards required to achieve Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). These standards, set by the government, cover the range of skills a teacher must have in order to teach satisfactory lessons. Several of these cover classroom management and through this assignment I will be able to asses how successfully I have achieved these standards. Before I can begin to evaluate my practice I first need to set a clear definition of classroom management and what it will encompass. A clear and straightforward definition is given by Wragg (1993) Class management is what teachers do to ensure that children engage in the task in hand, whatever that may be'. Although simplistic this is essentially what all teachers must address every lesson. Before any meaningful teaching can take place, students behaviour in the classroom must be acceptable for all pupils to be able to learn. However, this essential concept then opens up a wide variety of variables which affect a students behaviour in lessons. It is these aspects of behaviour management which I will focus on in my reflective practice. When studying classroom behaviour teachers of often talk about poor or bad behaviour shown by pupils but this can vary depending on the teachers point of view. Bad behaviour is therefore defined by the level of disruption caused to a childs learning. Lawrence (1984) is quoted, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦disruption amounted to anything which prevented the teacher from achieving worthwhile results with the pupils. Describing disruptive behaviour as, a general refusal to be taught, doing no work or refusal to obey'. Knowing what is bad behaviour then allows the teachers establish techniques to anticipate and reduce its occurrence. All student teachers hoping to develop their class management must accept the responsibility they have for all pupils behaviour. Many teachers are understandably reluctant to acknowledge that the reason for pupils misbehaviour may be found as often in their teaching as in the pupils inability or failure to learn (Charlton David, 1989). Therefore teachers must understand that it is not solely the child or their background that is to blame for misbehaving. The teachers actions and decisions are possibly the most important factor effecting a pupils behaviour in their class. Having this in mind, a trainee teacher should take a greater responsibility of their management techniques and focus on improvements. Effective classroom management is based on these basic principles; expressing authority, conveying enthusiasm, proactivity and preparation. (Bryson 1998). These four principles are the basic structure for establishing classroom management on which teachers can build their practice. However, developing these skills, especially as a student teacher, are notoriously complicated as they are often hard to practice. List of qualities for those working with troublesome children: teachers must be stable, compassionate, sensitive, intelligent, resilient, mature and physically fit. (Houghughi 1978) Behaviour management relies heavily on a teachers personality, mannerisms, acting ability and particulary confidence. Teaching skills are difficult to get a purchase on because they are dynamic rather then mechanistic in character (Eisner 1982). Yet there are many theorists who have developed techniques which can enhance and improve these skills. I will put into practice many of these theories durin g my placement and evaluate them in my reflective log. I will record the success or failure of these strategies and suggest ways in which they have enabled me to meet any QTS standards. In order to achieve this I must first establish an effective way to record and evaluate my classroom management using a reflective practice model. Although we all learn from experience, more and more experience does not guarantee more and more learning. We should not rely solely on our natural process of reflecting on experience, but actively seek ways to ensure that reflection itself become a habit. (Beaty 1997). Thus, to ensure progression is optimal a structured and focused method of reflection must be carried out by learners. During my time in placement B I will keep a journal describing my progress in improving classroom management during half a term. This will focus on one single year 8 class, who I have observed as having many behavioural issues. By recording the problems I faced and the successful and unsuccessful management techniques I used, I will have a detailed account of my teaching development. I will use this journal as a key source when relating classroom management theories to real life practice. This reflective procedure is essential for trainee teachers and is the key focus of this assignment. Dewey (1933) is acknowledged as a major instigator in the twentieth century of the concept of reflection, drawing on the ideas of many classical theologians such as Plato, Aristotle, Confucius and Buddha (Houston, 1988). Since then several models of reflection have been presented in the last thirty years. Gibbs (1988), John (2000), Atkins Murphy (1994) and Kolb (1984) have all produced differing models which offer different methods of reflection. David Kolb (1984) believed that learning occurs in a cycle in which learners engage in and then observe and reflect on experiences. The learner can then integrate reflections into their own theory, allowing them to estimate how to react in the future. This basic outline is a good structure on which to base my journal but a more detailed and specific model for reflection would be of greater use. Gibbss (1988) reflective cycle developed Kolbs theories but adapted them into a more user-friendly model (appendix 1). Gibbs model suggests the learner describes what happens, explains their feelings at the time and then evaluates the positives and negatives of the experience. From this information the practitioner can then analyse the situation and make conclusions about what needs to be changed and what should remain. This allows the learner to set action plans to suggest what could be done in a similar situation in the future. This is a very accessible method for reflection which offers the learners opportunity to reflect on the key aspects of their learning and then use this information to set realistic targets. Christopher Johns (2000) is more critical of Gibbss cycle quoting This might be useful for the novice reflective practitioner but remember, within a reflective perspective such structures are merely devices to help you reflect rather then impose a prescription of what ref lection is. Although I agree with Johns argument I believe I am still a novice reflective practitioner and so feel comfortable adopting Gibbs model. Johns (1994) model for structured reflection (MSR) can be used as a guide for analysis or reflection on an experience and would be useful for more complex decision making and analysis. MSR supports the need for the learner to work with a supervisor throughout their learning experience. He refers to this as guided reflection, and recommends that students use a structured diary. Platzer et al (1997) identify this as a strength of the model, as it is one of the few models of reflection that refers to the development of supervisor based reflections. Rolfe et al (2001) criticises the MSR, as it only responds to a situation, which has been resolved. It does not give enough flexibility for the practitioner to evolve their practice as the situation changes. However I will incorporate the need for a learner to work with a supervisor, such as my subject tutor, into my own reflective practice as it gives me an experienced perspective on my development (see LDJ). I will predominantly use Gibbss reflective cycle when evaluating my progression in classroom management but also incorporate Christopher Johns theory of supervisor supported reflection. I will organise it following Hollys (1989) Log Diary Journal (LDJ) pro forma to structure each entry of my reflections. This will allow me to clearly state my lesson information, objectives, activities and dates in one column labelled Log. The second column, headed Diary, will contain a description of what occurred, my feelings on what had happened and evaluations of this experience, i.e. one half of Gibbs cycle. The final column, labelled Journal, will contain the second half of the cycle, analysing situations, drawing conclusions and setting targets. This section will also contain the comments and suggestions made by my subject tutor and supervisor. This model of reflection should then give me a sufficient amount of information to make significant progress in the classroom. On arrival at Placement B I was given a timetable of the classes I would be teaching, giving me the opportunity to observe each class with their regular teacher over several weeks. Knowing the areas of development I needed to focus on during this placement I was aware that behaviour was going to be a key target. One group I was required to teach were a bottom set year 8 class. From the first lesson I observed with this group it was abundantly clear that the classroom management needed to be addressed. The class contained 18 pupils all with varying Special Educational Needs (SEN). These ranged from severe physical and mental disabilities to strong social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. This large array of barriers to learning meant the teacher had to differentiate each lesson in a very wide ranging way. Attainment levels were set comparatively high compared to children with similar learning difficulties and the class had not met their target grades as a group since joining th e school. However after talking to the head of science the reason for the weak performance seemed to be caused by the poor behaviour shown in the classroom. During three weeks of observing the group classroom behaviour was the worst I have ever seen (LDJ log 1). The majority of students left their seats and often ran around the class arguing or fighting with other pupils. Equipment was continually thrown around the room and work torn up or dropped on the floor and ignored. Many pupils refused to even take their coats off in the classroom. Around 4 or 5 students were behaving very well and concentrated on the work set by the teacher. However the rest were at this point so accustomed to spending each science lesson misbehaving that they did not seam to know that this was not how to behave in a lab. The reason for this poor behaviour was not simply caused by the pupils SEN and disabilities. Since beginning school a year and a half earlier the class have not had the same science teacher for more than a few months. The science department has had a lot of staff absences and so this class has had a lot of supply cover as their main teacher has been absent for 8 months. This lack of consistency has meant pupils have not yet learnt how to behave appropriately in a science lesson. This class therefore gave me the perfect opportunity to log my progression of classroom management in Placement B, with the hope of helping this class to begin some actual science learning. With this in mind I prepared for my first lesson with this group. Classroom management starts well before the students reach the classroom itself, involving careful preparation of both teaching and the room, alongside detailed planning. Dymoke Harrison (2008). After several weeks of observations I felt I was well prepared for my first lesson with 8E4. Yet after the first hours lesson I realised how unprepared I had been (Log 1). Although I had collected all the available data on each pupil and had observed the class with different supply teachers the behaviour was still far below what I had expected. One factor which I believe caused this was the time it took students to set up at the start of the session. Rutter et al (1979) reported that where teachers were waiting for classes and able to supervise their entry there was less school disorder. At the beginning of the first lesson I had trouble with the ICT equipment and so was unable to greet the students as they entered the room. I asked students to line up at the back of the room then sat studen ts in a random order. This did not set the tone of the lesson well as it took far too long to organise and students were bored and easily distracted. The start of a lesson is vital in establishing the pace for the rest of the session but also informs students on what they should expect from the new teacher. Wragg (1984) showed that experienced teachers, when compared with students, were more likely to greet the pupils, occupy a central position in the room, wait for silence before speaking, issue directions authoritatively and use eye contact. Therefore I must always ensure that I have prepared for the start of each lesson and I set the tone I want for the following sessions in terms of behaviour. Marland (1975) points out that a straightforward start to lessons, with something that occupies pupils at their desk, allows the teacher to cope with interruptions and late-comers. I will try wherever possible to prepare fully for lessons and anticipate any behavioural problems in my plann ing to stop any issues arising. We believe that the most effective way to manage behaviour problems is to prevent, or at lease minimise, their occurrence. Successful teachers were noted to be far more adept at preventing them. (Charlton David, 1989) The first activity I had planned with this class was to create a set of simple classroom rules which students will design and follow (LP1).This was based on the work of McManus (1995) One way of proceeding with classes that are already out offhand is to draw up jointly a short list of rules and make up some sort of bargain with the class. Suggesting, It is more effective to express the rules positively, so pupils know what they have to do rather then not do. I had seen this done before and felt is was suitable for this already disruptive class. However when I asked the class to suggest their own classroom rules they gave knowingly silly or inappropriate suggestions. I had anticipated this happening and so had my own pre prepared rules. However when evaluating my lesson I now realise I should not have given in as quickly as I did in providing the class with some rules. If I had pushed students to state their own rules they would have produced a much more powerful management tool. Givi ng the students ownership of rule setting allows the teacher to transfer extra responsibility on those breaking the rules as they had agreed on how they should behave in the class. I will therefore ensure pupils always decide their own classroom regulations, giving myself more ways to manage behaviour. Since the rules were set I have continually been reinforcing them at the beginning of each lesson. Bull and Solity (1987) note the importance of stressing to the class the natural consequences of keeping the rules, making it easier to withdraw the artificial system. This has been an area that my subject tutor suggested I need to improve (Log 1). Now that the classroom rules are known, when they are not followed by students I must show the consequences of pupils misbehaving. I had set out to use the whole school system of 2 warning then a room removal. However in the first few lessons I continued to give out warnings even when students should have been removed to a different class. In future I must be consistent with the schools discipline procedures and show to students I will follow through with my threats. After the unsuccessful first lesson I had decided to set up a reward system for those in the class who do behave well in lessons. This would then act as an incentive for the rest of the group to change their own behaviour for the chance to earn a reward (Log 2). Bull Solity (1987) suggest Token rewards such as points are also useful as immediate rewards because they can be given for different behaviours and are relatively easy to administer at the time they are earned. The raffle ticket system I set up did work very well. Though not successful enough to improve every childs behaviour instantly, a large section of the class were visibly motivated by the reward. I was able to use the incentive of gaining a prize to ensure students sat at their desks and attempted the work set. Over the following lessons I continued the raffle system and it became an increasingly powerful tool for classroom management, especially when students saw others who had behaved well collecting their prizes (Lo g 6). This raffle ticket system has also worked well with slightly older classes I have taught and I will continue to use it in the future. This is a very useful technique for effective behaviour management. In Log 3 I noted that By teaching a more interesting and exciting topic I believe pupils are more likely to be engaged in the lesson and behaviour will improve. My tutor had suggested in the previous lesson that the activities and success criteria set were not suitable for all the students in the class and that this could have been a reason for the poor behaviour. Gannaway (1984) found that pupils were less likely to co-operate in lessons, especially ones judged boring, if there was too much writing. With this in mind I planned lessons that I hoped would be more engaging to the students and therefore reduce behavioural issues. I spoke to the Head of Science in school who gave me permission to try a different subject topic with 8E4, as the planned scheme of work was very abstract and difficult to understand for students of this ability. Log 4 showed that students were interested as soon as they entered the room and did not want to be removed from the lesson. The lesson was maintained in short chunks to keep the pace up and reduce the amount of disruption. By choosing a subject (CSI) that was more exciting and accessible students behaviour did improve. Although this worked well for this class I will not have the luxury of picking my own scheme of work with other groups I teach. I therefore need to find ways of making the more boring and disengaging science topics more interesting for students. Studies have shown that pupils behave better and complete more work in rows. Further, pupils seated in the front and centre of the room are said to be more attentive. (McManus 1995) Log 3 highlighted the need for a more structured seating plan. Rather then using the random collection from the first lesson I sat down and drew up a more considered plan. I put students into groups of 3 or 4 of mixed ability and equal gender. Based on the advice from my tutor this would mean those who struggle academically would be supported by the brighter pupils. Rewards would be awarded to groups, meaning the pupils had to work together and learn how to co-operate. This was a major issue in the class as many of the pupils are violent and hostile towards each other (Log 1,2,3). The new seating arrangements worked a lot better then the previous plan. I had intentionally placed the 3 most disruptive pupils at the front and centre of the room where I could constantly watch their actions. I maintained thes e groups over the next lessons and most groups eventually started to work together cohesively. Even though they still do not work together harmoniously, when compared to the first two lessons the behaviour has vastly improved. After slowly building on the small steps of successful previous lessons Log 5 showed how it can all fall apart again. I attempted a practical experiment with the group which did not go as planned. As soon as the practical began, students began messing around and acting in an unsafe manner. 3 pupils had to be removed and I also ended the practical early for safety reasons. (Log 5) This experience highlighted to me that I need to develop a better awareness of what is occurring in my classrooms. Marland (1975) coined the term lighthouse effect in which successful teachers frequently scan the class and regularly make remarks to show they are missing nothing. I do this too infrequently in my lessons and it is an area that needs to be strengthened as I progress. After the lesson 5 disaster (Log 5) I planned a far more regimented practical for lesson 6 (LP6) based on classroom management theory. Partington and Hinchcliffe (1979) noted that effective classroom managers prepared effectively and extensively; as well as the content they planned for organisational matters such as movement, time and the task of particular jobs. With this in mind I structured the practical activity of lesson 6 extremely tightly. We completed the practical together as a group, doing one little step at a time. This meant all students knew exactly what to do and did not get confused or left behind. We did not move on to the next step until all students were ready. All behavioural issues could be dealt with much easier as students were keen to be involved and work at the same pace as the rest of the group. I was surprised at how well this structured approach worked and it will be the template for all future practicals. At the end of my first half term at Placement B I had a detailed review meeting with my subject tutor. I asked about my progress in terms of classroom management and the areas I need to improve. The main target he suggested was to look at my own body language and research some theories on this subject. Kohl (1986) gave a very fitting description of his teacher training. In one short week I went from informal Herb, with an open collar and sweater, to Mr Kohl with a suit and tie, a very controlled manner and an unnatural, stern look. My students had taught me that I had to establish my authority before I could teach them anything. I need to follow Kohls lead and adapt my presence and demeanour in the classroom. Rather then appearing fragile or weak I need to portray my authority over the students. This can be achieved not only through my voice or my threats but in my gestures, stance and position in the classroom. Goffman (1968) observed that impressions given off, as distinct from tho se deliberately given, are normally taken as a more accurate guide to a persons inner state. I must constantly be aware of the signals I am portraying to the class and try to ensure they are the signs I want to give to the room. Having experimented with several different classroom management techniques I have highlighted those which have improved my own practice and those which have not. Throughout these evaluations I have often felt that many strategies which I have observed or attempted often have the opposite effect. Teachers control strategies can sometimes exacerbate rather than alleviate situations (Cooper 1993). I do not necessarily believe that just because a class is well behaved or quiet that their learning is improved. Docking (1992) builds on this feeling, arguing The word control has mechanistic connotations, implying that teachers order their charges around without respecting their personhood. There is little room for discourse, listening to and trying to understand the voice of the pupil. The best way for pupils to learn is most often when they are arguing or discussing a subject. To an observer this may appear to be bad behaviour and poor classroom management. Yet it is only when students are allowed to apply their knowledge in discussions with others that effective learning can really take place. I therefore need to focus my attention not on ensuing a classroom is silent and all pupils follow my commands but that students are making as much progression as possible. Word Count 4, 323

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Social Psychology Essay -- Psychology

Social psychology is a science that study social thinking (how we perceive ourselves and others, judgement we make and our attitudes); social influence (such as pressure to conform, group of people) and social relations such as aggression and helping (David G. Myers, 2008). Social psychological research methods vary by location: in the laboratory or in the field. Also, it varies by method: correlational or experimental (David G. Myers, 2008). A field research method is everyday situations, for example, Piliavin et al. (1969) Good Samaritanism. Laboratory research method is a controlled situation; for example, Zimbardo (1973) Stanford Prison Experiment. A correlational method measure relationship between two or more variables: independent variable(s) and dependent variable. The independent variables are the experimental factors that the researcher can manipulate, while dependent variables are the things that the experimenter no control over, that include the outcome of the experiment (Class notes). The experimental method explores cause and effect of the study (David G. Myers, 2008). In a decent city of New York, Kitty Genovese on her home was brutally murdered. Within half hour, on two separate occasions, she was sexually molested and stabbed to death by a man (Malim and Birch, 1998). The fact that she was crying for help must have conveyed to the 38 people who heard her screams that no-one else had gone to help her. The event spurred Lantene and Darley (1970) to conduct a Laboratory experiment, investigating two important concepts: diffusion of responsibility and pluralistic ignorance. Diffusion of responsibility is the idea that people are less likely to help when there are others; no one helps because everyone is thinkin... ...08). Social psychology. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,. 3-29, 187-269,427. Kendra Cherry (2012). (A part of The New York Times Company) What Is Social Psychology? Available: Last accessed 14/02/2012 Mark Holah. (2008). Piliavin, Irving., Rodin, Judith., & Piliavin, Jane. (1969). Available: Last accessed 7th March 2012. MalimTony and Birch Ann (1998). Introduction to psychology. London and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. 102-105, 640-642,826, 830. Richard Gross . (February 2012). Bystander intervention in the New York subway. Psychology Review. 17 (3), 11-13. Www. Saul Mcleod. (2007). Simply Psychology. Available: Last accessed 14/02/2012.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ancient Greeks :: essays research papers

Hesiod: Works and Days, c. 750 BC First of all, get a house, and a woman and an ox for the plough--a slave woman and not a wife, to follow the oxen as well--and make everything ready at home, so that you may not have to ask of another, and he refuse you, and so, because you are in lack, the season pass by and your work come to nothing. Strabo: Geographia circa 550 BCE And the temple of Aphrodite [at Corinth] was so rich that it owned more than a thousand temples Slaves---prostitutes---whom both free men and women had dedicated to the goddess. And therefore it was also on account of these temple-prostitutes that the city was crowded with people and grew rich; for instance, the ship captains freely squandered their money, and hence the proverb, "Not for every man is the voyage to Corinth." Antiphon: On the Choreutes, c. 430 BCE So powerful is the compulsion of the law, that even if a man slays one who is his own chattel [i.e., his slave] and who has none to avenge him, his fear of the ordinances of god and of man causes him to purify himself and withhold himself from those places prescribed by law, in the hope that by so doing he will best avoid disaster. Demosthenes: Against Timocrates. c. 350 BCE If, gentlemen of the jury, you will turn over in your minds the question what is the difference between being a slave and being a free man, you will find that the biggest difference is that the body of a slave is made responsible for all his misdeeds, whereas corporal punishment is the last penalty to inflict on a free man. Aristotle: The Politics---On Slavery, c. 330 BCE Let us first speak of master and slave, looking to the needs of practical life and also seeking to attain some better theory of their relation than exists at present. Property is a part of the household, and the art of acquiring property is a part of the art of managing the household; for no man can live well, or indeed live at all, unless he be provided with necessaries. And so, in the arrangement of the family, a slave is a living possession, and property a of such instruments; and the slave is himself an instrument which takes precedence of all other instruments. The master is only the master of the slave; he does not belong to him, whereas the slave is not only the slave of his master, but wholly belongs to him.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cyberspace and Internet Censorship Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E

Cyberspace and Internet Censorship "Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace [the Internet], the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather" (Barlow 18). The Internet is a vast network of computers, both public and private, which spans the globe. Recently, there has been a movement by governments worldwide, and the United States government in particular, to remove content deemed inappropriate from the Internet. However, numerous factors such as: the abundance of less restrictive alternatives, the impossibility of applying American law and community standards to an international communications medium, the active choice required to access the Internet's resources, the violation of our constitutional rights which it entails, and the fact that it is the parent's and not the government's responsibility to protect children contradict this rash and poorly thought out idea. While censorship is intolerable in all its forms, it is especially odious, inappropriate, and unworkable when applied to the Internet, an international medium of free speech, information, and communication. The Internet began as a link between major universities and government computer centers to facilitate the sharing of information and allow certain universities to utilize the few existing supercomputing centers. With the advent and popularization of the personal computer and the increased use and development of modems, the size and capabilities of the Internet have exploded. The nature of the Internet is such that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine its size at a given mo... ...because they may inadvertently happen upon objectionable material. The resources of the Internet deserve the same treatment. Censorship is unnecessary and inappropriate with regards to the Internet. Numerous less-restrictive means of protecting the public, the global nature of the Internet, the active choice required to access the resources of the Internet, the fact that Internet censorship violates the First amendment, and the parental and personal nature of regulating the Internet all contradict the idea of Internet censorship. The Internet has the potential to revolutionize our society and bring us full into the information age. The information superhighway is not centuries or decades away, but just around the corner. Let us attempt to aid the growth of this technology and its respective culture in any way possible, and thus propel ourselves into the future.

A Manager’s Performance and Success

Knowledge about organisational behaviour has become very important to a manager's performance and success. Therefore, it is not surprising that writers often claim to have the information that managers need if they are to excel in their jobs. In Search of Excellence is one of the most well known books of this type. In the book, Peters-and Waterman outlined seven principles that they claimed to be excellent management tactics and a â€Å"7-S Framework.† In Search of Excellence is a book dealing with many different principles of economics and what makes big business' excellent. The first idea that the author discusses is his chart of the 7-S Framework. The graph is very simple but the ideas are fairly complex. In their research, they found that their concepts were too hard to explain and easily forgettable. They made this framework to deal with strategy, structure, style, systems, staff, skills, and shared values. This has 7 S's and a graphical representation to visualize. This shows the businessman that problems can be managed. For example, anyone assuming that a new manager of a Macdonald†s will perform exactly as the old manager did is ridiculous. The workers must adjust and adapt to the new manager's way of business. The first principle is a bias for action. This is basically saying â€Å"Stop talking and do something about it.† When Macdonald†s has a rush of customers and their supplies for making food are low, they (usually) don't say â€Å"You know what, I have no more cheese† or â€Å"Could someone get me some more cheese?† They take action and get the cheese, make it if necessary, and get the problem solved as quickly as possible. The second Principle they deal with is to be close to the customer. This means good service and listening to what the customer has to say. If the producer, Macdonald†s, is not in touch with what the customer wants to eat, then the business will most likely fail. Although it also refers to customer satisfaction; quality food made right and good service, â€Å"Have a nice day and enjoy your meal!† The third basic principle is productivity through people. This deals with the individual as the best means for efficiency improvement rather than capital investment. If Macdonald†s could put everyone in the area of work they most enjoyed (drive-thru, washer,†¦) then they could produce more food and maximize their business. The forth basic principle is hands on, value driven. This is the standard setting and enforcing values in a company. This is keeping the boss in touch with the assembly line worker and projecting the company's original ideas, instead of an image of some suited businessman who confines himself in an office. The fifth and often obvious principle is to stick to the knitting. The basically says that if a company is in the food business, it should not branch off into the computer business unless they have no where else to expand in the industry they are already in. The sixth basic principle is a simple form, lean staff. This means leaving few people up top to manage a company and keep the form of management simple. The seventh and final basic principle is simultaneous loose-tight properties. This is another value-based principle. This could be described as the ability for a worker of Macdonald†s to do his/her job in his/her own way as they incorporate the company's values and concepts into their work. These values demonstrate that they don't just work because they work, but rather because they just make sense. In search of excellence shows that the excellent companies had been based on the basics. The companies had to try to keep things simple. Sometimes, to a big business, it might seem logical that business should be run more complex the larger it is. From research, this is usually not true. Ignoring the seven principles above would be foolish in the business world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Theory Essay

Bambara & Freire An summary to Theory March 2013 The Lesson is written by Toni Cade Bambara and is a fictional narrative. The signifi rotterce of this brief grade is deepened when we apply Paulo Freires spirit level direction of the Oppressed because he dialogue about the different kinds of teaching methods that match to the characters in The Lessons and the society that they live in. In Freires report he deliberates about the society we live in, which uses the banking method sooner than the business comprise method of teaching.I deal that this is what Miss. Moore is try to show her students in The Lesson by taking them to the rich character of town when they go into the chat upshop. In Freires story he gives two terms the oppressor, which in my opinion is the tweed pack in The Lesson and the laden which is Sylvia and her classmates. In The Lesson, you meet a young girl who goes by the micturate of Sylvia. Sylvia is brought up in a slum atomic number 18a area a nd is resentful towards her teacher, Miss Moore.Sylvia feels that her teacher is better than every unitary else in her community because she has a college degree, and doesnt care to listen to anything Miss. Moore has to say. The story starts off by Miss Moore convey the group of children to this toyshop, which is where I rely she is trying to expose them to this banking scheme concept, to show them what is unconventional with their society. The banking system concept is when the teacher dialogue about reality as if it were motionless, static, compartmentalized, and predictable.Or else he expounds on a topic altogether alien to the existential experience of the students (Freire 52). In other words the banking system where the teachers moot tho they can be the internal other, the knowledgeable other is soulfulness who has much experience and knows what they are doing which makes them the one who holds all the knowledge. They dont believe the students can teach them anythin g tender. Using this reference of system will result in the students only be as good as what theyre taught.The problem posing method on the other hand is where the teachers and the students work together, that they can learn from each other and respect one a nonhers conceits, imaginations, followingions and wonders. A great example of the banking method that Freire writes is the more than completely she fills out the receptacles, the better a teacher she is. The more meekly the receptacles abide themselves to be filled, the better students they are (Freire 53).In The Lesson the white people are the oppressors and Sylvia and her classmates are the ladened. Freire explains the oppressed The oppressed receive the euphemistic agnomen of welfare recipients. They are treated as individual cases, as marginal someones who amuse from general configuration of a good, organized, and only society (Freire 55). This is saying how poor people are treated as break-dance people in soc iety. The students in The Lesson did not know they were seen as this separate part of society.According to Freire he doesnt believe this is the case, he sees everyone as equals The oppressed are not marginal, are not people living outdoor(a) society. They have always been inside (Freire 55). erstwhile Sylvia and her classmates arrive at this toyshop they strike a toy sail ride that catches them off guard, precisely its not the sailboat, it is the price whit that is attached to it, Sylvia exclaims Who are these people that make pass that much for preforming clowns and $1000 for toy sailboats? What kinda work they do and how they live and how catch we aint on it? (Bambara 425). I believe that by bringing the children to this new environment she was trying to open the childrens eyes to this separate society. Miss Moore embodies the idea of problem posing. From Freires point of view, a teacher that poses these traits should from the outset, her efforts must coincide with those of the students to contain in critical thinking and the quest for mutual humanization (Freire 56). Miss. Moore does this when she asks a motility to deepen Sugars thought about why adults would play with a kids toy.A great nonliteral description between the two methods that Freire uses, quoting Fromm is that the banking system causes people to be necrophilia versus the problem posing method, which is causing people to be biophilious. While liveliness is characterized by egression in a structured, functional manner, the necrophilous person loves all that does not grow, all that is mechanical. The necrophilous person is drive by the desire to commute the organic into the Memory quite an that experience, having, rather than being, is what counts.The necrophilious person can related to an object- a flower or a person- only if he loses the possession he loses amour with the world He loves control in the act of controlling he kills life (Fromm 58). I feel that this quote strengthens the telephone number that the children have around this expensive boat. In my point of view the children are more biophilious, this is backed up when it shows that they do not see the importance of an expensive boat when they could use that money to feed an broad(a) family. They arent bound by mercantile items.During The Lesson you read about Sylvia getting nauseated at her friend Sugar for amiable in conversation with Miss Moore regarding the toy sailboat. This displays that Sylvia is unintentionally still bound by the banking system because if they were in the problem posing method this would be seen as libellous to one anothers learning. You notice that Miss Moore is trying to get the students to critically think for themselves in a problem-posing manner, nevertheless it is apparent that they are all in some matter constricted by this banking system method that they live in.The intact idea of the banking system with the roles of the oppressed and the oppressor is that it simoleons people from becoming fully human, as Freire says no one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so (p. 66). References Bambara, Toni Cade. The Lesson. 2nd. Lawn, Beverly. Boston Bedford/St Martins, 2004. 419-427 print. Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Rev edition. Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos. Continuum/New York, 1995. 52-67 print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.